Answers about New Testament > 자유게시판

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Answers about New Testament > 자유게시판

Answers about New Testament > 자유게시판

Answers about New Testament

페이지 정보

작성자 Silke
댓글 0건 조회 19회 작성일 24-05-08 05:56


Eli never wanted to spend a penny. When the story mentioned "all of the lights were on in his house, so we knew he wasn't too well. He would have charged t
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Bible Statistics and History


What is joy in the The Bible?

Asked by Wiki User

Joy is an internal quality God gave us when we were born again. We experience joy as we walk in fellowship with God according to His Word. Psalms 16:8,9 "I
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New Testament


Jesus came for a purpose?

Asked by Wiki User

AnswerAccording to Christian teachings, Jesus did come for a purpose. He came to atone for the sins of those who believe in him, so that they can be 'saved'.

New Testament

Is there one main theme that unites all the books of the New Testament?

Asked by Wiki User

Jesus Christ, man's redeemer, is the central theme of all the scriptures, Nuubu Bewertung interwoven throughout the Old and New Testaments, just as a red thread may weave throu
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New Testament

Did Thomas ever receive the Holy Spirit?

Asked by Wiki User

John's Gospel, which Elaine Pagels sees as containing an element of anti-Thomas narrative, has Thomas miss out on receiving the Holy Spirit. The Gospel says tha
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New Testament

Who are the parents of Mary of Jesus mother?

Asked by Wiki User

Her mother was Anne and her father was Joachim.


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